If you have been injured in a slip or trip accident at work you may be entitled to claim compensation for your injury and any financial losses such as loss of earnings or medical treatment costs.
Common causes of tripping & slipping accident at work claims:
- wet floors – including ‘walked-in’ rain water and floors being cleaned
- spillages and leaks causing floors to become wet or greasy
- slipping on food waste – a common cause of slipping accidents in kitchens
- fallen leaves which are wet or starting to decay
- ice and snow
- uneven workplace floors
- untidy workplaces – leading to trip hazards
- trailing electrical cables
Workplace tripping & slipping accidents
The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) reports that tripping and slipping accidents at work are the most common cause of workplace injury. Trip and slip accidents can occur on indoor and outside areas of a workplace which includes areas for access to and from the place of work – such as an external entrance path or employee car-park. A workplace is any place where a person works and can also include premises or land that are owned by someone other than your employer.
Contact us for free advice about making a trip, slip or fall accident at work claim
If you have been injured as a result of a fall at work or in a tripping or slipping workplace accident we will give you free advice about making a personal injury compensation claim. We offer free advice by phone or a free meeting to assess your claim. We also offer free home visits. If you have a suitable case we will act on your behalf on a no win – no fee basis.
An employer’s duty to prevent tripping and slipping accidents at work
An employer owes his employees a duty to provide a safe place of work. There are a number of regulations and an approved code of practice which apply to most workplaces. In relation to trip and slip accidents the main duties are to:
- properly maintain the workplace – including the condition of any floors and floor coverings
- ensure that the workplace floor has no hole or slope and make sure that floors are not uneven or slippery
to keep floors free from obstructions or any article or substance which may cause a person to trip or slip - The employer has a duty to prevent, where possible, a tripping or slipping hazard or risk from arising. If it is not possible to avoid a slip or trip hazard from arising the employer has a duty to warn the employee of the hazard.
For further information about the steps that an employer can take to avoid tripping and slipping accidents at work click here.
Read our guide to making a work injury compensation claim