What to do if you are unhappy about our service
We want to ensure that we give you the best possible service. However, we accept that occasionally our clients may have concerns or feel unhappy about an aspect of the service we have provided. In most cases any concerns can be resolved by speaking to the lawyer who is handling your case and they will be only too happy to explain the actions being taken and do their best to resolve any problem.
If you still have concerns we ask that you follow the steps set out in our Complaints Handling Policy as set out below.
Complaints Handling Policy
- gets a prompt response;
- is satisfied that the complaint has been dealt with seriously and objectively;
- has the problem resolved as quickly as possible.
When dealing with complaints we aim to:
- deal with concerns promptly and fully: the happiness of our clients is important to us
- act fairly and proportionately
- put things right
- make improvements to our procedures to avoid issues arising in the future
2. How to make a complaint
The person with responsibility for dealing with complaints is our Principal Solicitor, Donna Walmsley.
If you have a complaint about the service you have received from us please contact Donna Walmsley (in writing) and let us have full details of your concerns as soon as you can. Should your complaint relate to a bill, you must inform us within a month of receiving the bill.
By post : Donna Walmsley, Beckett & Co Solicitors, Suite 14F One Business Village, Emily Street, Hull, HU9 1ND.
By email: d.beckett@beckettandco.co.uk
3. What will happen next?
We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint by post or email.
Donna Walmsley will then investigate your complaint. She may telephone you to request further information or discuss matters in further detail so that the cause of your complaint is clearly identified and understood.
4. Our response to your complaint
We will either:
- send you a written response to your complaint (to include any suggestions for resolving the matter if appropriate). We will do this as soon as possible and in any event within 28 days of receiving your complaint, or
- if we think it appropriate and likely to lead to resolution, we may invite you to take part in a telephone consultation or meeting and hopefully resolve any issue you have raised with us. Within 7 days of any such consultation or meeting we will write to you to confirm the discussions and any solutions or action agreed.
If we have to change any of the timescales above, e.g. if we need further time to complete our enquiries, we will let you know and will explain why.
From 1 April 2023, the time limits for referring a complaint to the Legal Ombudsman will be not later than:
- one year from the date of the act or omission being complained about; or
- one year from the date when the complainant should have realised that there was cause for complaint.
The Legal Ombudsman has the right to exercise discretion to extend the 1 year time limit for specific customers if, on the evidence, it was fair and reasonable to do so but such an extension cannot be guaranteed.
- You have the right to apply for a detailed assessment within a month of our bill.
- If you delay beyond a month the Court may impose restrictions.
- Once a year has elapsed since the date of the bill you will lose the right to a detailed assessment, unless there are special circumstances.