Cookies and their use on this website
In common with the practice of most major internet sites, when you browse this website, it would like to store a few cookies on your computer. Cookies are small text files which allow websites to carry out a variety of useful functions and are widely-used across the internet. For example, they will be used to show you any products that have been placed in your online shopping trolley or to allow you to log in to an online account. They may also be used to personalise a website in order to improve your experience, to remember your preferences and settings and also to collect anonymous visitor usage statistics. These anonymous visitor statistics (also referred to as analytics) help webmasters to understand (and therefore manage and improve) the way that visitors interact with a website. You can see the details of the cookies used on this website below.
Essential cookies used on this website
The following cookie is needed for this website to display, and is temporarily classed an an essential cookie which will be stored on your computer as soon as you visit this website. However, a solution is currently being worked on to remove the requirement to set this cookie.
Cookie Description Cookie Name Cookie Purpose
Essential PHPSESSID Used for the display and core functionality of this website.
General cookies used on this website
The following cookies are for general functionality and statistics.