‘Are there any witnesses to the accident?’ This is one of the important questions that we ask when we are giving advice regarding a road accident. If there is no witness, can dash cam footage help to prove a road accident claim?
Motorcycle Insurance: Is your bike actually covered at home? The garage clause may surprise you!
Motorcycle Insurance Garage Clause:
A clause contained in the small print of your policy – which could leave you without a bike.
In reality, I suspect that the majority of people don’t read the small print. It may therefore come as a surprise to many bikers that the motorcycle insurance garage clause can cause major problems if your bike is stolen from your home.
Do I have to show my medical records to the opponent if I make a personal injury claim?
Will I have to provide my opponents with copies of my medical records if I make a personal injury claim?
The short answer is: maybe. It will depend upon the circumstances of the case and the type of injury sustained.
Before the question can be answered, it is important to understand why medical evidence is important in a claim for personal injury compensation.
Small Claims Limit: Is £5000 ‘Small Change’?
The small claims limit for personal injury claims is currently set at £1000. Most trivial and short-lived injuries fall in this bracket. However, the Government is again considering raising the court small claims limit from £1000 to £5000. The proposed increase will affect all personal injury claims. What would this mean for injured Claimants?
Highway Tripping Accident: Do Photographs Matter? A Case Study
Highway tripping accidents are one of the most common causes of a tripping accident claim.
In a highway tripping claim photographs are often very important evidence. Why? Because it is necessary for the Claimant to prove that, at the time of the accident, the highway was in a dangerous condition. However, the lack of measurement photographs does not mean that a claim will fail.