Accidents involving horses & horse rider accident claims
If you have been injured in an accident involving a horse or are a horse rider who has been involved in a road accident you may be entitled to make a claim for personal injury compensation.
Road accidents involving horse riders
In many areas a lack of accessible bridle ways and off-road hacking means that many horse riders must ride on the roads. As a result horse riders are frequently involved in accidents whilst riding on the road which usually result in injuries to both horse and rider.
The effect of such an accident can be devastating to a rider who not only has to cope with their own injury but also the trauma caused by injury to or death of a beloved horse.
Other accidents involving horses
In addition to road accidents involving horses we have also successfully recovered compensation for personal injury sustained during lessons at riding schools, injuries sustained by people employed to work with horses and injuries sustained when handling horses – for example an injury from a horse kick.
Not every injury sustained when riding or handling horses will give rise to a claim for compensation. The law relating to such claims can be complex and the individual circumstances of every case must be carefully considered. For this reason if you have been injured in an accident involving a horse you should seek expert advice as to whether you can bring a claim.
Horse Rider Road Accident Case Study
Beckett & Co solicitor Donna Beckett personally understands the trauma caused by a horse riding road accident as she was herself hit by a wagon whilst she was riding her own horse on the road in 1998. Donna sustained injuries and her horse was also injured although fortunately both ultimately made a full recovery.
In this case, as in many other similar cases, the driver blamed the accident on the horse and the driver’s insurers denied all liability for the accident. However, Beckett & Co successfully sued the the driver’s insurers and the court awarded compensation for personal injury as well as vets bills, additional livery costs, medical treatment costs and replacement costs of damaged tack, riding hat and clothing.
If you are a horse rider and you have been injured in an accident on the road we can act on a no win – no fee basis to help you to recover compensation for personal injury together with any financial losses incurred as a result of the accident.
Free expert advice regarding accidents involving horses and riders
We are happy to provide a free assessment of your potential claim and advise if a claim is possible. In the event that a claim can be pursued we can offer no win – no fee so that you need not worry about the cost of making a claim. We also offer free home visits anywhere in Lancashire. Freephone: 0800 7315434 or click here to contact us