Avoid these 5 mistakes when making a personal injury claim
1. Failing to keep important details of the accident and your injury
You must keep details of the accident and your injury. Keeping a simple diary of events can help your claim. Record details of hospital appointments, medical treatment, and the ways in which your injury affects your day to day activities. You should also record details of any help or assistance you receive as a result of your injury – this includes both paid care, and help from family and friends.
2. Failing to keep receipts for financial losses and expenses
Always keep receipts or other evidence of any financial losses or expenses incurred as a result of the accident. Lack of evidence can make it very difficult to claim. If you want to claim a loss you must be able to prove it. Failing to keep details and evidence of financial losses may mean that you cannot recover all of your losses.
3. Failing to keep your solicitor informed
Always provide your solicitor will ALL information relating to your injury and your claim. Your solicitor cannot properly represent you if you keep information from them. You tell your solicitor anything which might impact your claim and answer all questions honestly, even if you think that it might harm your claim. Your solicitor can often deal with issues which might arise … but only of they are aware of all the facts beforehand!
4. Exaggerating your claim or injury
NEVER try to falsely exaggerate your injury or your losses. ANY dishonesty will kill your claim. Even if you have a genuine injury and a genuine claim, exaggerating any aspect of your claim can lead to the entire claim being struck out. Exaggerating the seriousness of your injury, or falsely inflating your claim for financial loss, can lead to your claim being struck out and leave you open to serious legal consequences, including costs orders made against you and court proceedings for fraud or contempt of court.
5. Trying to ‘Do-it-Yourself’
Dealing directly with an insurer may seem like a good idea but remember – the insurer is acting for your OPPONENT not for you! There is a clear conflict of interest.
Do you need a solicitors to act for you? Legally, you do not need a solicitor to make a claim, but pursuing a claim without a solicitor may lead you to problems as your claim progresses. If you need a solicitor later on in your claim, you may find it harder to get a solicitor to act for you if you have already started your claim on your own.
We have often come across cases which have been started by the claimant themselves and in which they have prejudiced their claim due to mistakes which can be very hard, or even impossible, to rectify later on.
You are likely to recover much compensation if you are properly represented by a solicitor. This could equate to many thousands of pounds more compensation than acting alone.
Always obtain your own independent legal advice BEFORE starting any claim. We offer a free consultation – what have you got to lose? Call us on 01482 458826 or click here to book your consultation online.